2009年3月18日 星期三

about this westinghouse sidewinder oscilltor fan

1909~11年第一台有齒輪傳擺頭設計的西屋sidewinder 12吋桌扇:eyes:eyes:eyes



sidewinder 雙連桿,縱向和橫向紐立集結於這一處,除齒輪是修理重點,這小小一隻定點感也是關係者電扇擺頭滑順與否的關鍵,上下圖個加墊一片耐磨墊片防紙間隙過大耗損動能。

  電扇玩家都認為側邊拉桿擺頭電扇信息映像中根本沒西屋電扇有此設計,是技術交流或委託承製不得而知,在1909年的同時西屋也有屬於自己的設計的第一代,vane osctilltor fan 這款電扇年代略晚於sidewinder 或許商業考量委託GE代工生產,單從馬達辨識根本就是GE PANCAKKE後的大顆馬達和底座,並非西屋專用馬達與底座,(閱逆轉馬達)h:eyes





  In early 1900’s, major fan makers start to develop oscillating electric fans. General Electric introduced their first mechanical oscillator in 1909. This device was located at the rear of the fan and had a lever that extended out from the side of the gearbox attached to the top of oscillation linkage connected to the turnnion. This design is referred to as sidewinder oscillator.

  A brass button on the side of the oscillator would engage the gearbox when oscillation was desired. Oscillating range can be adjusted by placing the screw at different locations on the large brass gear exposed in the gearbox. The turnnion allows the fan to adjust elevation angle with a thumbscrew.

  The blades were made with heavy sheet brass and the guard is brass too. The fans have 3 speed selections with 12” or 16” blades. They usually have 4 blades but there also are Residential six-blade fans, which are very unusual.

  GE Sidewinder oscillator only produced for 2 years. It was replaced by Kidney oscillator in 1911. This newer design was cheaper to produce. It has less parts makes it easier to build with mass production. However, the gearbox of the kidney oscillator was made with pot metal, which has a tendency to crack and shatter with age. The limited quantity, beautiful presentation and fun to watch during oscillation makes the GE sidewinder oscillator becomes one of the most collectable and desirable antique electric fans amount collectors.

  This particular fan restored by Mr. Wen was manufactured by General Electric, but has a Westinghouse guard and motor badge. Otherwise, it has no difference from a GE sidewinder fan. It is made in 1910, which is 100 years old now. Although Westinghouse has their own design of sidewinder oscillating fan also introduced in 1910, they cannot keep up with the demand. It happened to other major manufactures too. Therefore, they had contracts with GE to make fans for them but sold with their own brands. This combination of Westinghouse/GE sidewinder is the only GE sidewinder contract known to exist and produced for just one year, which makes it extremely rare. Only a handful of them survived today. This fan might be the only one of its kind in Taiwan .(本文章由送修者來自美國加州,並由電扇主人Mr Tuan提供本部落格英文解說 謝謝)

 Mr tuan 謝謝你跨過一個地球,千里不辭辛苦把你的蒐藏委託我修理,歷經7個多月終於我把它修好,依如我的看法,這台火車式的連桿傳動擺頭並不如預期的好修,其中不在預算下更換了幾個零件,車程往返耗了大半工作時間, 工作細節如下:銅軸乘車製換新2只。傳動區柄螺紋3只。馬達心軸電腦平衡校正。葉片電腦平衡校正。底盤變速整修。底盤棉質線路整修。播速桿調整整修。變速限線圈圈絕緣涂裝。................. 待續....


      誠如Mr Tuan說的這一台sidewinder 是一台非常少有的而且是ge才有專利設計?!為什麼會匪夷所思的由同屬競爭者的westinghouse來製造?在sidewinder的歷史是少見的,連美國骨董電扇學會AFCA也認為少見的、稀奇的。在人類發明電扇到1909年才做了重大變革。奇異電器公司開啟齒輪傳動連桿設計,驚動全世界憾動買家的側邊拉桿傳動電扇,這個設計緣由應來自傳統黑頭火車燃燒煤炭,蒸汽傳動連桿驅動輪軸,由這種理念融入呆板的定向吹風,它是人類的第一次電扇OSC設計,僅從複雜的外觀傳動就足讓人目珠為之一亮,融入了古典和現代美學,繁忙的你我!暫時放下手邊工作,歇歇手邊工作小閒一下,品茗或喝咖啡時注入目光焦點,很久很久以來我們盲與忙!,掠影心境美的事物就在周遭,欣賞靜的和動態角度確實會使忘記大半塵間凡憂,啟動塵封已久的電扇吹彿涼意的夏天,希望今年會比去年更如意!!!。:eyes  


  • 留言者: 歹銅舊舍
  • Email: ahuei1966@yahoo.com.tw
  • 網址:
  • 日期: 2009-03-20 21:18:40
[版主回覆03/20/2009 21:34:57]用心想!用手做!認真做就對了。

  • 留言者: glenntuan
  • Email:
  • 網址:
  • 日期: 2009-03-20 11:32:06

文先生, You did a wonderful job to restore this Sidewinder! Although there are many antique oscillator fans, the GE designed sidewinder is always my favor.

There are a lot of interesting oscillator design at the early 1900's. Most of the designs are so rare that you cannot even find them in the museum, but thanks to Youtube you can see how they operate. There are so creative not like the moden desk fans.

The first one as I know is American R&M 'Lollipop' oscillator 1903-1010. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQCGKxdpvGU

The first gear oscillator is European AEG Friction-Drive oscillator 1905-1907 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ic3381yaYA

Only 2 know to servived is Italy Restelli 'Chani-Pulled' oscillator 1907 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrduXS3VffI

Another early but unknow age, only 6 known to exist is France Martinot 10" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CLHr-jsioM

American Adams-Bagnall 'Gyrofan' 1909 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cElsyP5oy04

There is another only 6 known to exist is Sidewinder AEG 10" 1910 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvOzodA_jnM

American R&M 'Feathervane' Oscillator 1911 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVowgP3jbWc

Only 2 to 3  known to exist is the German 'Isaria' 360 Revolver 1912 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrduXS3VffI

The most interesting one to me is the American Electric Fan 'Rollercoster' 1915 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaWKPRfo_Fk


 I love and hope I can own is the British Veritys 'Zephyr' 1930 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISYLrBrtlzY

[版主回覆03/20/2009 13:42:30]

hi Taun  謝謝你讚賞,看完下列網站還真讓人讚嘆如此驚人藝術創意,其中有好幾款我有修過,如今真讓我見識啥叫oscillator  fan ,謝謝你提供這美妙的電扇信息,謝謝你把網站連結到國外我受寵若驚,我修電扇技術需更加精進才能勝任你對我的期許,對了有機會回娘家探親咱們在聊,還有你另一台Sidewinder是奇異的嗎?讓我見識如何!還有這一台西屋Sidewinder我將會上傳屆時再給你傳達!!謝謝你啦!美國時間晚安

